Warm Regards to Our Esteemed Clients and Devoted Supporters!

We are elated to unveil a defining landmark in Biskoon Marketing's journey. Our trajectory, marked by challenges and victories, has now led us to this glorious moment: Biskoon Marketing's commendation as a Top 14 finalist in the Product section of the coveted ICT Award 2023.

Biskoon Marketing


Biskoon Marketing's Deserved Selection

This honor is a testament to our innovative features and dedication. Thorough assessments undertaken by an elite group of 15 jury members have placed us in this revered position. Their acknowledgment underscores our team's unwavering dedication to innovation, determination, and foresight.

Embarking on the Next Chapter: Lead-up to the Main Event

Our narrative continues, and this is merely a fresh chapter. Being among the top 14, we are participating in two pivotal pre-event campaigns, platforms of ingenuity, synergy, and networking. A closer look:

Startup and Idea Fest

Date: 6th - 7th October 2023 (2080 Ashoj 19-20)

Venue: Baneshwor Banquet, Thapagaun, Kathmandu

Presentation and Speed Dating Session

These stages serve as both preliminary rounds for final selections and as gold mines of shared wisdom, growth, and partnership. We eagerly await the next round of evaluations, where the contenders will be further narrowed down.

Our Pledge to Excellence

At Biskoon Marketing, our heartbeat is perpetual evolution, ingenuity, and striving for the pinnacle. The ICT Award 2023 has intensified our zeal, highlighting our relentless dedication to the ICT domain. As we prepare for upcoming events, our commitment to upholding and amplifying our brand's values remains rock solid.

What sets Biskoon® apart?

Biskoon® Online Marketing: An Integrated Listing Powerhouse Biskoon® is not just another name in online marketing; it's a paradigm shift. As a beacon connecting advertisers with seekers across a sprawling 325+ categories, Biskoon® is a game-changer.

Advanced Functionalities: At the heart of Biskoon® is the ability for users to craft state-of-the-art listings, sure to draw in and captivate potential clientele.

Professional Landing Pages: It’s not just about getting visitors, but keeping them engaged. Biskoon® provides professionally designed landing pages ensuring a smooth journey for every user.

Seamless Integration: With the facility for effortless domain and email synchronization, Biskoon® lays out a holistic blueprint for a successful online marketing venture. But that's not all.

Innovative Features : Features such as AI-powered analytics, real-time customer engagement tools, and customizable advertising solutions make Biskoon® the future of online marketing.

Expressing Gratitude

Our sincere thanks to everyone who trusted in Biskoon Marketing's vision. Your unwavering support catapults our aspirations. As we gear up for the road ahead, know that we remain unwavering in our dedication to excellence.

Anticipating our next giant leap, here's to ceaseless innovation and growth!

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Biskoon®: Your Path to Online Marketing Success!

Biskoon® is your gateway to achieving online marketing success. Through our platform, advertisers and seekers in over 325 categories can connect effortlessly. Utilize our advanced features to create compelling listings that draw in potential seekers for your items, products, services, skills, or businesses – virtually anything you can think of! Elevate visitor engagement with professional landing pages that emulate one-page websites. Learn more